QubeDot completes the EIC journey

Our iSMILE project – integrated scalable microLED engines – marks a historic milestone: it is the first-ever EIC-funded project that completes the full EIC journey, receiving both EIC Pathfinder and EIC Transition funding and has now been selected for the EIC Accelerator.

The project builds on the success of the ChipScope and SMILE project.

The success story of QubeDot would not have been possible without the EIC and our esteemed partners: Universitat de Barcelona, Technische Universität Braunschweig, and Università di Roma Tor Vergata.

We are deeply grateful for the support and are excited to discover what the future holds.

Discover our story: https://eic.ec.europa.eu/success-stories/ismile-first-project-completes-full-eic-journey_en

Source: https://eic.ec.europa.eu/success-stories/ismile-first-project-completes-full-eic-journey_en
Source: European Innovation Council

EIC Accelerator funding for QubeDot

Exciting Announcement! QubeDot GmbH has been selected for the prestigious EIC Accelerator funding by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA).

We are delighted to be one of the 42 companies selected out of over 1000 applicants! This remarkable achievement is a significant milestone for QubeDot.

Together with Europe’s leading visionaries, we are committed to making impactful progress. This opportunity brings us closer to our vision: Revolutionizing gallium nitride (GaN) chip processing and extending our cleanroom environments in Germany that ensures top-tier customized and scalable microLED manufacturing, meeting the growing demands of our customers and the global market.

We are deeply grateful for this selection and look forward to the transformative developments to come. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported us and is believing in our vision.

Impressive fact: Only 42 out of 1083 proposals were selected, boasting a remarkable success rate of 3.88%!

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7168545483752173568/