Customized microLEDs for demanding applications – Webinar

Thanks to PhotonicNet GmbH we are pleased to present a special webinar on the topic of customized microLEDs for demanding applications for sensors, machine vision, and displays.

The online webinar will be taking place on March 28, 2023 at 2 pm.

Light-emitting diodes based on InGaN have established themselves as the dominant light source for applications ranging from general lighting to automotive. In contrast to large-scale HighPower-LEDs, microLEDs with dimensions of 1 µm are becoming increasingly interesting, mainly driven by the fact that they are the main contender for the “next generation” displays. In addition to this focus application, numerous further applications are only enabled by the precise LED arrangement at simultaneously high intensities and switching speeds.

Our CTO, Jan Gülink, who is responsible for the development of microLED solutions and platforms based on the InGaN material system with high intensities and modulation bandwidths at QubeDot, will host the webinar.

The webinar will provide a general overview of LEDs including the special properties of microLEDs, selected application examples will be presented and in the final open exchange questions and first ideas of the participants can be discussed.

You don’t want to miss the webinar?

The link to the registration can be found here:

Announcement: Forum MikroskopieTrends ’23

📢 Save the date – March 23, 2023!

We are very excited to announce that we are co-hosting the PhotonicNet “Forum MikroskopieTrends ’23” in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers.

The event will take place on March 23, 2023 at the Laboratory for Emerging Nanometrology LENA in Braunschweig.

Since 2001, the “Forum MikroskopieTrends” has been an established contact and discussion platform of the German microscopy scene with recognized high quality.

In addition to numerous professional presentations, our CEO Dr.-Ing. Heiko Brüning will talk about our customized microLEDs as an enabler for structured illumination and displays.

All details about the event and registration can be found here:

Any emitter size is possible!

Any emitter size is possible!

QubeDot is the reliable partner to design, develop and manufacture customized microLEDs and microLED solutions with all imaginable emitter geometries according to your requirements.

Our microLEDs typically have emitter sizes between 1 … 1000 µm and die sizes between 200×200 µm² … 10×10 mm².

We design customized LEDs suitable for the specific application of our customers, with specific emitter geometries for example lines, squares, circles, letters – whatever kind is needed.

Do you want to enjoy the advantages of our optimal microLED solution for your application?

Please feel free to contact us now.

QubeDots µLED-line 7×5000µm

Meet us at SPIE Photonics West 2023

We are very glad to participate for the first time at the leading exhibition for lasers, optics, and optoelectronics at the SPIE. Photonics West from 31st January to 2nd February 2023.

You will find us at booth 4105-32.

We are already looking forward to meeting our customers and partners & finding more exciting applications for our customized microLED-solutions.

QubeDot is member of the PhotonicNet

QubeDot is now a proud member of the PhotonicNet.

The association promotes the development, dissemination, and application of optical technologies in Lower Saxony, Germany, and supports the demand-oriented qualification of professionals.

PhotonicNet is a member of OptecNet, the Germany-wide association of eight innovation networks of optical technologies.

We are excited about the networked cooperation to optimally use the existing competences and to find new application areas of optical technologies for our microLED solutions.

Meet us at the HIGHTECH VENTURE DAYS 2022

We are very glad and pleased that QubeDot was selected as one of the top 40 hightech start-ups to showcase our unique technology.

Our CEO, Dr. Heiko Brüning, will be pitching next week about our µLED Arrays & Systems on stage in front of hundreds of potential investors, corporates, start-ups and participants at the HIGHTECH VENTURE DAYS in Dresden.

This is going to be impressive!

We are excited about the activities leading up to this great event.

SMILE®-platform used for optogenetics

In close collaboration with the Institute of Quantum Optics (IQO) in Hannover, we were able to demonstrate for the first time that biological cells could be excited using our SMILE®-platform.

In the lab of Prof. Alexander Heisterkamp at NIFE (Niedersächsisches Zentrum für Biomedizintechnik, Implantatforschung und Entwicklung), Dr. Maria Leilani Torres and their team employ fluorescence imaging to visualize calcium fluctuations in living cells.

The cardiomyocytes express a light-sensitive protein called ChR2. The cells were stained with calcium-sensitive dye and are activated when illuminated by SMILE®-platform. The spontaneous electrical activity can be overridden by the illumination pattern.

Using our SMILE®-platform, cell cultures can be stimulated by different illumination patterns.

We are very proud that our microLED platform simplifies research by providing a compact and easy-to-use light source for targeted stimulation of cells with minimal adjustment required compared to other optical systems.

The video shows cardiomyocytes illuminated with vertical light stripe patterns using the SMILE®-platform.

Source: Dr. Maria Leilani Torres, Leibniz University Hannover.

Funds for the QVLS-HTI in quantum technology

As a proud founding member of the QVLS e.V. (Quantum Valley Lower Saxony e.V.), we are very pleased about the funding from the state of Lower Saxony.

The so-called High-Tech Incubator (HTI) is intended to provide substantial support for the establishment of start-ups that rely on quantum technologies.

The possibilities of using quantum processes for pioneering technological innovations, e.g. in the field of computing, cryptography or sensor technology, are full of opportunities.

The complete article can be found on the QVLS website:

The next generation of µLED technologies

As part of the EU project SMILE in which we are proud to be a project partner, a new generation of µLED technology is being developed.

Professor J. Daniel Prades from the Universitat de Barcelona visited the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony (QVLS) at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and gave this exciting interview:

QubeDot at the CS International Conference in Brussels

Our team from QubeDot is very pleased to have been part of the CS International Conference in Brussels.

Jan, our CTO and Co-Founder of QubeDot, has given a talk about µLEDs for structured illumination and the versatility of our SMILE® Technology to address multiple markets.

µLEDs with dimensions of 1 to 50 µm are becoming increasingly interesting driven by the µLED revolution in display technology.

Our µLEDs are in addition also used – among other applications – in biology, optogenetics, microscopy and process metrology.

Do you want to know more about our customized µLEDs?

Here is the link to our solutions: