QubeDot at the CS International Conference in Brussels
CTO and Co-Founder Jan Gülink talked about µLEDs
[...]microLED-lines are very interesting
We feel positively challenged when customers send us exciting questions!
[...]Announcement: Mikroskopietrends 2021
Unique µLED-technology will be presented on Dec. 9, 2021
[...]QubeDot CEO Heiko Brüning featured in QVLS interview
Interview being published to unlock the potential of microLEDs
[...]microLEDs published in Compound Semiconductor
Recognized magazine reports about SMILE technology and its applications
[...]Announcement: Improvement of hardware at 8×8 SMILE platform
LOAD-function with increased number of frames
[...]QubeDot is founding member of the QVLS e.V.
On 10.2.2021 a big digital launch event of the QVLS e.V. will take place
[...]New housing for SMILE platform
Our µLED arrays are the key to our Structured Micro Illumination Light Engine (SMILE) platform.
They enable as a complete system the precise control of every single light pattern.QubeDots novel microscope featured in Osram InnovatiON magazine
In the last weeks representatives of the Corporate Communications at OSRAM were searching for novel and disrupting technologies in regard to LEDs. They found us
[...]Announcement: QubeDot taking part at the 4th Brainswick Symposium 21. – 22.10.2019
Invited speakers will present the latest findings of their research.